Google Announced a Double Update: June 2021 Core Update is Already Carried Out
A new broad core Google update was released on Wednesday, June 2021. Google developers also announced that a subsequent Core Update is expected in July 2021.Google has traditionally published a major algorithm update every few months. The previous core update, the December 2020 Core Update, was released slightly over six months ago.

Prior to that, the May 2020 core update, which took place on May 4, 2020, had been represented for seven months. So this one took a lot longer to appear than the prior upgrades, but we are expecting another one in about a month.
So, Why is Google Releasing 2 Separate Core Updates One Month After the Other?
Some of Google’s planned changes for the June 2021 update aren’t quite ready to be announced this month, according to the company’s statement. As a result, Google has opted to go ahead with the components that are available now, with the remainder coming next month in the July 2021 core update. Google will keep us updated on the release date of the July 2021 core update.
Of course, any core change can bring both pros and cons for the content. Because this is a two-part release, it’s likely that a tiny portion of the content can be altered in June and then reversed in July.
What to expect? Your rankings may go up, down, or stay the same following any Google algorithm update. However, if you were affected by the June 2021 core upgrade, the impact may be reversed with the July 2021 core update. Most sites won’t notice the changes, according to Google, but SEOs that manage a lot of sites will likely notice a lot of changes in the Google search results.
This will have a global impact that will affect all languages and will take approximately two weeks to be completed. When the implementation of the update is completed, Google will announce it, which should be before the mid-June page experience change.
What to do if you’re hit. In the past, Google has always offered suggestions on what to do if you’d been harmed by a core update. There are no precise steps to follow to get back on track, and a drop in rankings may not indicate anything is wrong with your sites. If your site is affected by a core update, Google has provided a list of questions to consider. According to Google, there is some recovery time between core updates, but the major shift comes after the upcoming July updates.
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Why does Google Make These Updates?
Together with the June 2021 Core Update, Google published a blog post explaining how and why it makes these changes to search. Google claims to receive “billions of requests every day from countries all over the world in 150 languages,” according to the company. To remain competitive and service its user base, it must improve. Google stated, “Delivering outstanding results at this scale and complexity requires many different systems, and we’re continually exploring ways to improve these systems so we can provide the most useful results possible.”
The internet is expanding, sites are changing, and new stuff is being released all the time. “As new sites appear and the web evolves,” Google added, “continued upgrades are critical to ensuring we’re supporting a diverse range of publishers, artists, and companies while providing searchers with the most up-to-date information.”
Google is constantly releasing changes as a result of this. Indeed, Google has stated that it may “implement dozens of modifications that are aimed to improve Search in incremental ways” in any given week. As a result, the company will not be able to “provide details on all” of the upgrades. However, Google claims that it makes an effort to disclose major fundamental upgrades like these.
Why should we be concerned? When Google modifies its search ranking algorithms, your site’s ranking in the search results may improve or deteriorate. Knowing when Google makes these modifications gives us a reference point for determining if the change was due to something you did on your website or something Google updated with its ranking algorithm.
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