Keywords for Better Amazon SEO: Deep Guide
How does a purchase on Amazon begin? A customer comes to Amazon, let’s say, for a yoga mat. What are their actions? First of all, they enter a query into the search bar and choose what they like the most from the provided list. And, most likely, they will buy something from what Amazon has suggested in response to the request. Today we will talk about one of the most critical aspects of the Amazon business – keywords.

You can have a perfect and concise title, a detailed description of the product, and well-written bullets, but if they do not contain relevant keywords, the buyer will not be able to find your product. Using keywords, we help people find their product and promote the product among other similar goods.
Keyword Search Methods
The main difficulty is that all people think differently, name products and goods in different terms and words. The bottom line is to find the largest number of these queries that the target audience most often uses when searching for your (or similar to your) product.
Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce search engines in the world. Every third internet user uses Amazon to search for a product.
We keep repeating that Amazon’s audience is focused on buying, not just researching the products. Having typed a keyword and read the product’s information, they click on the button and purchase in one click. That is why it is extremely important for a seller to be as high as possible in the SERP for keywords.
If a few years ago the toolkit for selecting keywords was limited to the Google Keyword Planner, now there are many different services (both paid and free) available, which we will discuss in the following material.
Free Ways to Find Keywords
Regarding Google Keyword Planner, it is important to note that the statistics on keywords will not be very informative since it is not entirely clear what exactly the user wants to do by entering a specific query into a search engine: find and study information on a given topic, download a picture, watch a video, buy the product, sell, find competitors, or perform any other action.
But information on search queries from Amazon is a completely different matter. Here the overwhelming majority of requests pursue one single purpose – to find and buy a product now or in the near future.
Get to know what are the best keyword rank tracking tools in 2021. Using Autocomplete Search Bar on Amazon
When you start typing your query into the Amazon search box, the site will show suggestions automatically. Amazon itself issues all popular queries related to your keyword or phrase, and the results are ranked in descending order. The most popular queries will be at the top, and the less popular ones at the bottom.
Search for Keywords in Other Seller’s Listings
This is one more completely free way to select a set of keywords for promotion in Amazon search results. The essence of the method is extremely simple: go to several listings of your competitors and analyze the title, bullets, and descriptions. Find the words and phrases that are used. This method allows you to identify queries that are not apparent at first sight while working with the Amazon search string.
Searching for Keywords Using Paid Advertising on Amazon
Unlike the previous methods, this one is applicable if you already have a listing, the product is in the FBA warehouse, and the minimum number of reviews has been collected.

In your account, navigate to Advertising Campaign Manager. Set up and run a test ad campaign with automatic targeting.
Set a budget of $ 20 per day or higher and campaign duration at least 7 days to get enough statistics. At the end of the advertising period, wait 48 hours and download the advertising campaign report. Exposure of 48 hours (you can even take 1-2 days more) is necessary so that all orders made for advertising are closed. If you download the report immediately after the end of the advertising campaign, then, with a high probability, some transactions will not be included in the report, and the analysis will be less effective.
An advertisement report is a table file that can be downloaded into Excel. As a result, you will receive a table. In the column “Customer Search Term”, you will have real queries from site visitors, and on the right, there are keywords/phrases by which Amazon showed your product to customers.
Using logic and statistics on clicks, we select those words/phrases that were clicked on. We also pay attention to the clicks on the keywords that ended in a purchase. This is additional evidence of the request’s relevance to your product.
It is a great free service, no registration required, and it generates up to 750 keywords not only for Amazon but also for other platforms. The site also supports 192 domains and 82 languages, so you can select keywords for any region.
Enter your queries in the search box, choose Amazon, and get the possible options. And in the “Negative Keywords” field on the left, you can add negative keywords that we don’t need and are not related to the product.
We can select the necessary options with a tick, copy, and export to a separate file.
The service also issues queries focusing on autocomplete on Amazon and is able to generate search words for 4 sites. You can use either Amazon or see the difference in requests and test how users search for the same thing on different sites.
This service is unique because of one interesting option. After the main queries, it shows additional words in alphabetical order. In Seochat, the search consists of three stages, which give us more detailed and specific results.
Scientific seller
The service’s peculiarity is that it can find the most unusual queries and word combinations that our competitors and we would have never thought of. Adding such phrases to the listing can help increase sales by 10%.
Keyword tool dominator
The service requires a $16 one-time payment. There is a free version with a limit of 3 keywords per day. After passing a simple registration, we can type our request. The most popular phrase is under number 1.
Keyword inspector
Cost from $ 20 per month. There is a free demo version for which you need to register.
The service helps to track competitors’ keywords in the US, UK, and Germany markets by their Asin numbers.
We select the first product on the request, let’s say, “dog treats” and copy its ASIN. As a result, we get 5 key phrases and the number of queries on Amazon. On the site, you can watch a 10-minute video with the paid version working. It shows the rank and position of the keyword at the time of the search, the monthly number of Google searches, and other data.
Keyword quality assessment
So, we have a list of keywords by which buyers are looking for our product. Before you start working with these keywords, you need to evaluate their quality. The main characteristic of a particular request is the frequency of its use. The more often a query is used for searching in search engines (including Amazon), the more “quality” it gains from the point of view of promotion.

In general, search queries are divided into:
- Mid-frequency (MF)
- Mid-frequency (MF)
- Low frequency (LF)
In quantitative terms, high-frequency queries are those used tens of thousands of times a month, but the specific figure may differ depending on the topic. For a product from the Fitness category, for example, a high-frequency request can be expressed in the figures of 500-100 thousand requests per month, and in the Hardware category, a high-frequency request will be already at 80-20 thousand. Let’s take a look at the principle of evaluating the quality of keywords using an example. For this, we will use the MerchantWords service.
Keyword Quality Assessment in MerchantWords
For example, let’s take the query “kitchen knife” and enter it into the service search bar. Why do you need an assessment of the quality (frequency) of the request?
Everything is simple here: if our product on Amazon is found on 1-2 pages of the search for as many high-frequency queries as possible, the more organic sales, it will bring us. HF queries are the most simple, understandable, and logical from the buyer’s side, and most people start looking for the necessary product from them. But HF queries have one feature – they are not only frequently used but also the most competitive. All sellers are trying to promote precisely on them.

Then the person delves into the differences in the products (“Oh! It turns out that kitchen knives can be large and small, with a rubberized handle or metal, etc.”) and begins to concretize his request, moving on to middle-frequency requests. Low-frequency ones are used extremely rarely, and if we are not a well-known brand dominating in a given niche, and our product is indexed only by low-frequency queries, then this will not bring us significant sales.
So, mainly, our task is to select high, and midrange queries from our list of keywords and insert them into the title, bullets, descriptions and search terms of our listing (and ideally also into reviews and a block of questions and answers). Let’s say a few words about the MerchantWords service itself.
MerchantWords service
The full version costs $ 30 per month. Using the free version, you will only be able to see the first 5 requests. In addition, in the free version, the number of requests you can submit in one day is also limited, but the limit can be increased by subscribing to the service newsletter.
AmzRush – evaluation of listing positions in Amazon organic SERP
Finding keywords, determining their quality, adding them to the listing is just a part of a long journey to organic sales. It is extremely important to evaluate for which search queries our listing is indexed, at what position we are in the search results, how efficiently and correctly we’ve worked with keywords, whether we need to change something, and what exactly. A new service, AmzRush, developed by SalesHub programmers, will help us with this.
Evaluating the Efficiency
When you have done this job, you need to evaluate how effective it is, and what position your product ranks in SERP for all keywords.
After completing the listing, wait a couple of days for the program to update, and your keywords start indexing in the search. Enter each keyword in turn in the search bar and search for your product. The closer a product is to the first page, the more likely a customer will notice it.
If you can’t find your product, try searching by brand first:
- If there is a product in the search, but you cannot find it by keywords, then it is either located on a very far page in the search, or the keywords are filled in incorrectly.
- If there is no product in the search by brand, you should check in the Seller Center if the listing has a Suppressed status.
- Also, check whether the keywords indicated in the corresponding field are mentioned in the text at least once.
Final Word
We have covered all the aspects related to keywords and their selection for listing on Amazon. Unfortunately, none of the free and paid services provide us with accurate statistics on the frequency of entering a particular request. Today there is only one way out. We export all the data from the application we are using and enter it into KeywordPlanner in Google, where we can take advantage of all the benefits of modern data analytics.
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