How to Get More Organic Traffic: Step-by-Step Instruction
You’ve almost certainly heard that traffic is a lifeblood of a website and the first ingredient for online success. Any SEO strategy is hinged on the principle of getting as much quality traffic as possible. But the point is that there’s never enough traffic! And you’ll always want more. Because, More Traffic = More Possibilities = More Visitors = More Money
Now, as you see, the goal of this article is multifaceted. So, let’s move forward with an explicit purpose — put your website atop of SERP, beat your competitors, and bring x3 more organic traffic than before!

Why Do You Need to Increase Website Traffic? Simple Math
When discussing the term “organic traffic” it is used to describe the visitors that come to your website through unpaid search results. Paid traffic to your site is not organic as funded ads generate this. When a visitor finds your website by doing a Google or Bing search, and not referred to any other website, this is considered as organic traffic definition.
But what is the point of the battle? It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that being on the first position on page one of Google holds a huge advantage over any of the contenders listed after that. Just look at the numbers:
Google’s #1 gets 32.58% of all organic traffic! This is 18x times more than #9 gets. So, the websites on the first page of Google get over 45% of all clicks. It has been researched that approximately 90% of all Google organic search traffic, just from average searches is on page one. Only about 5% of traffic will get to the website if it is on page 2. No wonder that everyone wishes to appear in the lucrative top 10.
The traffic exposes your SEO successes to your website. No matter what your position on a SERP is if it does not drive traffic to your website, it is not working.
Now, let’s get the answer to one more crucial question before trying to figure out how to improve organic search.
What Drives Traffic: the CTR or the Ranking?
Average click-through rate (CTR) and ranking on Google’s SERP are variables that seem to be dependent on each other. How to calculate what CTR for any position in search results is? To make it, take the CTR of an interesting position and subtract the average click rate. It will show if website rankings beat the average CTR of this position.
By moving up your CTR by 3% will move you up to the next position in SERP. Yeap, every 3% increase moves you up one position. Here are more statistics:
- Outrun the average CTR by 20%, you will have a good chance to appear at a first position;
- Outrun the average CTR by 12%, you will have an excellent opportunity to take the second position
- Drop below the average CTR by 6%, you will be in position #10.
How does it work in “real life”? Let’s say 12% out of 90% click on position #2 and 8% click on position #3. But if this keeps incrementally lowering to only 3% clicking on position #9… It is like having 1000 clicks on the first position and only 147 on the ninth position. This is huge. By just getting from the ninth position to the first position, you can increase your traffic and your income for a given keyword by (42.13/2,85 * 100 = 1478%).
So, how do you achieve that? How to increase SEO, grow website traffic rankings?
How to Increase Organic Traffic? 3 Effective Evergreen Strategies
#1. Optimize your keywords
They are half the battle!
Do you know that of all first-page rankings include the target keyword within a page title? Now, let us ask you, “How long have you carried out research on your target keywords?” The thing is that everyone wants to rank for competitive keywords. However, there’s no silver bullet with SEO. Sometimes, it’s just not possible in the short term.

That’s why we (and Google) love low competition keywords: they’re easy to rank for, and they send you a decent amount of consistent search traffic month over month.
So, LinksManagement recommends you start with brainstorming a list of topics. We’re talking about 5-10 broad keywords that are related to your niche (“seed keyword”). Try to be specific enough that the keywords can’t be interpreted in too many different ways. Then, filter them for low difficulty scores.
Using keyword research tools, narrow down the list. One of the metrics to pay attention to is KD (Keyword Difficulty). Ahrefs’ KD score runs on a scale of 0-100 and determines how hard it’ll be in Google’s top 10 results for a given search query. So, set a KD filter with a min. value of 0 and max. value of 20. You’ll get ≅100,000 low competition topics.
After that, check if you can match search intent. Google the query look at the top-ranking pages for what we call “the 3 C’s of search intent”:
— Content type (are the top pages blog posts, product, or category pages?)
— Content format (are they listicle-type pages, how-tos, opinion pages, or step-by-step tutorials?)
— Content angle (the dominant selling proposition that the top-ranking pages use)
Last but not least, benefit from Free SEO Cost Calculator! We’ll analyze your backlink profile keyword competition in your niche, figure out how many backlinks you need, how long to run your link building campaign, and how much money to spend to reach the first positions.
Consider on-page optimization
Believe it or not, but all the methods of external influence don’t work without On-page SEO. No matter how many Google Updates have been (or will be) released, on-page SEO is not going to change dramatically. So, these are essential things tips to pay attention to.
Speed up a website loading
Recent studies show that a delay of a single second in page response time can yield a 7% reduction in conversions. The website’s speed is mainly influenced by the number and weight of images and the speed of HTML, CSS, JS file loading. Moreover, inadvertent duplicate content can slow indexing down, so examine your site to remove it.
Take meta tags seriously
Check one more time your title (the ideal length is 50 – 60 characters, it shouldn’t be spammed by keywords) description (use synonyms or latent semantic indexing of the main keyword to get on-page SEO in the meta description).
THint: pay attention to the keyword’s Adwords advertisements. To make it more clear, the Adwords ads that you can explore trying to find competitive keywords are the outcome of several thousands of split tests. So, there is even no need to conduct them on your own.
#3. Make Your Links Relevant!
Do you know that link building is the “A.R.T.”? These letters cover 3 pillars of a successful SEO campaign: Authority, Relevance, Trust.
For Google, links still rule the roost. When building ones, there are two most important metrics to take into consideration: authority relevance. Here 3 simple rules from LinkManagement’s experts to use if you want to generate more traffic to your website:
- Relevant backlink pages are pages from other websites that have a chance to reach your target market
- Relevancy is determined not by the overarching theme of the site but by the surrounding content that is on your page.
- A yoga site linking to a roofing contractor is not relevant enough to have a huge effect on your rankings, no matter what the authority of the site is.
So, what’s the solution? How to find relevant links that can gain a lot of traffic for your website? Well, your SEO needs contextual backlinks.
A study by Ahrefs uncovered the factors that correlate most with Google rankings. The results included both qualitative and quantitative metrics, and looked like this:
Not all links are created equal. Google and other search engines give more weight to a specific type of backlinks – contextual. A good contextual backlink is at least 5x more powerful than any other kind of backlink.
Accompanied by the targeted keywords, contextual backlinks pass way more link juice, increase the page’s authority, and prove its relevance. To help you achieve the best possible results, LinksManagement inventory offers ONLY contextual backlinks. And here’s WHY it’s the perfect fit if your goal is to boost the website’s traffic.
- Contextual backlinks are natural. They show your site’s authority proved by other sites linking to it. If someone mentions your site in their content, then it must be so damn great that it’s worth sharing.
- Contextual backlinks are valuable. Google is preoccupied with users’ satisfaction and wants to see you care for users as well. The content gives the backlink a framework, increasing its authority, and providing value for the readers. When a crawler runs into contextual backlinks, it knows they are there for a reason.
- Contextual backlinks are relevant. They fit appropriately in the content and prove the page’s relevance to the search engines. Accompanied by the targeted keywords, contextual backlinks pass way more link juice and help your site rank higher.
It’s no longer enough to mindlessly get backlinks from questionable sites, or buy backlinks packages of mediocre quality. Contextual backlinks are 5x more efficient than any other link you can build especially if you target sites relevant to your business niche. As the search algorithms get smarter and uncover the unnatural backlinks in two shakes, such links are the only way to enrich your backlink profile, stay blameless in Google’s eyes, and increase website traffic.
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