How to Revive Your Website after Penguin Algorithm? [Infographics Inside]
Google rolls out its algorithms updates with amazing regularity! Often, you have to react promptly if you want to keep your positions and authority.

With this in mind, we’ve decided to deliver you a simple step-by-step guide on how to revive your website after it was hit by Penguin Algorithm.
Let us remember that the Penguin Algorithm was created to depress websites with spammy backlinks and manipulations with backlinks. The latest update of this algorithm took place on 6 October 2016. Ever since Penguin is a part of core indexing and ranking process, which means that it works real-time.
Below you’ll find a detailed infographic that gives you a clue on how to deal with manual or algorithmic penalties.

Don’t forget that if you find it difficult to struggle with Google’s Algorithms on your own, you can always rely on us! Our SEO experts know all the angles, just let us know that you need help and watch your SEO issues disappear into thin air!
Finally, if you want to share your story on struggling with Penguin Algorithm, or give some more insights, you are welcome to share the blog post or leave your comments below.
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